
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/12 21:29:43
短点就好 象看喜剧啊 学到点什么 有什么亮点什么的 最好是写英文 写的好的加分哦

My film review on (Kung Fu Panda)

If a film like this one doesn’t make you laugh… then there isn’t much left to fall back on. Thankfully the movie succeeds quite well on this level. I can’t recall any more than 1 hard belly laugh (usually a decent comedy needs much more than that), but it felt like it at least always had me smiling or giggling through the run time. Almost none of the joke were home runs… but then did all work. The end result was I found myself entertained almost all the way through.

Coming up with a good villain in a kids film is no easy task. The character has to be menacing, but at the same time you can’t give kids nightmarish visions and make them crap themselves. I mean come on… it’s Kung Fu Panda… you can’t exactly have Violator showing up can causing kids across the nation to spontaneously crap themselves in their theater seats~~~~then requiring therapy for the next 3 years to make the nightmares go away! It is a fine and delicate balanc