
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 10:19:29
Figures 8 and 9 present the recommended curves for API grade C and D rods,respectively. API Krods can use the C rod curves will allow used, inspected rods to be used in current string dsigns provided that the allowable stresses are still below the derated values. If the derated stress is below this value,used rods should not be used for this application. It should be noted that derating the used rods will not show when the rod string should be replaced. It is recommended that inorder to determine when the entire string should be replaced,a full-cycle economic analyses needs to be done.In lieu of doing these full cycle analyses, it has generally been found that the entire rod string should be replaced after three related failures in the rod string in a 12 month period of time.

数字8和9目前推荐的曲线和D C杆API。Krods可以用C的API允许使用杖曲线,检查杆用于当前串dsigns提供许可的压力仍然低于这个derated值。如果derated压力低于这个值,用杖也不应该使用这个应用程序。值得注意的是,derating使用时将不会显示杆杆柱应该被更换。它是为了确定整个字符串时应更换,full-cycle经济分析需要做…代替做这些完整的周期的分析,它通常会被发现,整个杆柱应该更换后的三个相关的失效杆柱在12个月的时间。