【求Jason Mraz的Details in the Fabric的对白 最好有翻译 ~!急用~!谢了~!】

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 21:24:30
【求Jason Mraz的Details in the Fabric的对白 最好有翻译 ~!急用~!谢了~!】

《Details in the Fabric》
by Jason Mraz (Feat. James Morrison)
Jason Mraz的个人主页也做的挺有意思的,可以顺带去看下。
我一直在找这首歌的两段录音呢 也很喜欢这首歌哦~~

Details in the Fabric

(Saved message未读信息:
Hey, what's up...UH,i lost.I just lost it, at the end of the day I ******* lost it, i just blew up. my whole entire ******* apartment building, i told everyone to go **** themselves. I just had a hard time today and uh, i don't know...

Calm down 静下来。
Deep breaths 深呼吸。
And get yourself dressed instead 穿好衣服
Of running around 不要乱跑
And pulling all your threads saying 穿戴整齐了(存疑)
Breaking yourself up 崩溃