
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 13:21:39
两个初中作文 会的帮帮忙 5、60字即可!

提示:1).Mary ,美国人,现跟父母住在北京

2.以Tom 's plane trip为题,根据以下提示写一篇60词左右的短文。


Marry is an Aerican girl, and now she is living in Beijing with her parents. Marry is very fond of this city. Delicious Chinese food is her favorite. Usually she has noodles for breakfast, rice and meat for lunch and dumplings for dinner. Apart from these, she has also tried a lot of other local food. She really enjoys her life in Beijing.

The Toms flied to Beijing last month. Tom liked traveling by air because it is the fastest way for travel. They visited the Great Wall which is one of the greatest architectures in the world. They had such a good time there that when they got home, they said they would never forget about this interesting trip.

我的爸爸是一位工作狂!他一工作起来什么都忘了,简直像失忆似的,但工作完了,就回复正常啦…… 他有黑色的平头,因为头发脸显的有点方!眉毛还不错,鼻子高高的,像在对嘴巴说:“你可真矮啊”!嘴巴蛮大的(是用来吃我和姐姐,和批评我们的!)……眼睛里充满了期望,和失望!眼睛里有很多血丝!那是因为常常工作导致疲劳! 爸爸对我们很严格,周末不能看电视,不能玩电脑,不能这个,不能那个……爸爸虽然对我们严格但是他都是为了我和姐姐好!因为他觉得他很失败,他想我和姐姐都过上幸福的日子…… 从六年级起,我和爸爸很少见,我们的感情差了,久而久之,我不喜欢爸爸!只喜欢妈妈!但是有一天,我改变了这个! 今天晚上我去练钢琴,妈妈要陪我去,爸爸也要去,我就不是很