
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 21:05:33
1 朋友对于人生的重要性是毋庸置疑的,他可以是你的聆听者,是你的老师,也可能是你的对手。朋友并非是一个高贵的词语,对于大多数人而言,彼此能够交谈,有共同的爱好,那就可以成为朋友,你感觉是在和另一个自己对话,这无疑是对心灵的一种慰藉。情感深厚的朋友,不仅能够聆听与交谈,这种感情已经成为了彼此的一种需要,可以相互分担痛苦,享受快乐,使你的人生更加充实,使你的情感经验更加丰富。朋友的价值就在于此,在一起制造快乐,或者在你需要他的时候出现在身边。

2 出国留学已经成为了一种趋势,越来越多的家长选择将儿女送出国门以增强他们今后的竞争力。我认为谈论出国的利弊,应该针对不同的人而言。对于那些适应能力强的孩子而言,出国能够拓宽他们的视野,增强他们未来的竞争力,加强他们的人际网络,这对于他们的成长和未来的生活都是有利的。而对于那些应变能力不足的人而言,陌生的环境容易让他们感到恐慌,虽然是一种锻炼,但未必就有利于他们的成长,他们可能很难融入国外的文化,而造成文化休克等现象,这对于他们就十分有害了。综上,我认为出国的利弊应该取决与自身的性格和准备程度等因素。


There's no doubt friend is very important to one's life.Your friend can be your listener,your teacher,and maybe your rival.Friend is not a so noble word.To most people,if you can talk to each other and have common hobbies,you can be friends.You feel you are talking to another self and this definitely is a consolation to your heart.You not only can listen to and talk to a good friend,but also the feeling between you has become each other's need.You can share pain and joy.Your life becomes more full and your emotional experience becomes more rich.This is the value of a friend.You are producing joyness together or he'll be at your side when you need him.

Going abroad to study has become a trend.More and more parents choose to send their children abroad for a better competitive power.I think the advantages and disadvantages are different to defferent people.To those children with a strong adaptability,going abroad can widen their vision,enhance their future c