
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 13:49:38
内容:从2007 年4 月开始的美国次贷危机在仅仅一年的时间里,完成了次贷危机到金融危机并最终到实体经济危机的蜕变。这次经济危机由美国扩散到全球,引发全球发达国家的经济衰退,并导致全球就业的萎缩。就中国而言,金融危机的冲击同样不可避免。随着金融危机对实体经济影响的不断加深和需要就业的大学生数的迅速增加,大学生的就业形式面临着严峻考验。大学生就业难已是不争的事实。全球金融危机直接冲击着大学生就业市场,使毕业生供需矛盾更加突出,金融危机对大学毕业生的就业能力提出了挑战,造成大学毕业生巨大的心理压力,但同时也给大学生就业带来了新的机遇。面对金融危机的冲击,当代大学生应该怎么应对?本文对当前大学生就业形势和大学生就业工作的重要性进行理性分析,在此基础上着重从政府、高校、大学毕业生自身三个方面提出化解大学生就业危机的应对对策。


Topic is: the financial crisis in the context of the analysis of the employment problem of college students
Content: From the beginning of April 2007 meeting of the U.S. credit crisis in just a year, completed a sub-loan crisis and, ultimately, the financial crisis to real economy into crisis. The current economic crisis is spreading to the world by the United States triggered a global economic recession in developed countries and lead to shrinkage of the global employment. The case of China, the same financial crisis is inevitable. With the financial crisis on the real economy and the deepening impact of the employment needs of the rapidly increasing number of university students, university students faced with severe forms of employment tests. Employment of university students is an undisputed fact. A direct impact on the global financial crisis, the job market with college students, so that a more prominent contradiction between supply and demand of graduates, the financial