then 的作用

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:57:03
比如:What did the use of WorkSet colours then allow the company to do?



所以你可以把这句话看成Then,What did the use of WorkSet colours allow the company to do?

那时, 当时 what did you do then? 你当时在做啥?对过去的提问。
当时, 那么, 在那时

"Then" means "at that time," There must be some reference for the specific time. for example:

Please call him and make an appointment. He will meet with you then.(Then means "at the time of the appointment")只要有提及那个时间就可以不用说出来

"Then" has other meanings such as "next", or "after that".

She went to the school to pick up her kids, and then (after that) she did some shopping.

He got 100 in the English test.