英文高手帮我翻译一下这段文章啊谢谢,在线等 1

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 17:35:22
要人工翻译的 翻译工具的不行啊

Just as the human body from skeleton to support, the car must have a skeleton, which is the frame. The role of the frame under load, including motor vehicle parts and components of its own weight and suffered the impact of moving, distorted, such as inertial force. Types of existing beam-type frame, load type, pipe material type and special type, such as forming one.
Automotive publications in Hong Kong and Taiwan are often referred to as the "frame formation" is the first frame type (from the world's first vehicle has been in use ever since). Beam frame is very simple principle: The sturdy steel beam welding or riveting together into a steel frame, steel frame and then installed in the engine, suspension, body parts, etc., were attached to the steel frame is in fact a "frame . "
Beam-type steel frame provides a strong advantage is the carrying capacity and torsional stiffness and simple structure, easy development, production process and lower the