
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 03:30:36
The feasibility of locating the air-conditioners at low level (FAC unit) for residential use has been
ascertained in previous studies by the authors. In order to optimize the design of the unit for maximum
thermal comfort, an FAC unit configured to two different angles of deflection and two installed positions
(altogether 4 scenarios) was set-up in a 13 m2 bedroom-like chamber for experimental studies. In the
experiments, the layout of the chamber was determined by questionnaire surveys, and the characteristics
of heat source were determined by heat transfer simulations and cluster analysis. The local air speeds
and temperatures at 4 different levels of 8 positions were monitored for the calculation of air diffusion
performance index (ADPI) and draft risk. The energy performance was determined based upon the
monitored cooling outputs and power consumptions. Using the measured air temperatures and velocities
as boundary conditions, three-dime

在低水平((联邦航空委员会单位)方面为居住使用找到空气调节器-的可行性已经被作者在前一研究中搞清楚.为了为最大热的舒适使单位的设计最优化,一个联邦航空委员会单位,向偏斜和二安装阵地((完全4剧本)的二个不同角配置是在一个13 m2城郊住宅区的房间中为实验研究组织.在试验中,房间的布局被一组问题调查决心,和热来源的特征被热转移仿真和串分析决心.在8阵地的4不同水平方面本地空气速度和温度被为空气扩散表现索引((ADPI)和草稿风险的计算监视.确定在监视冷却的输出和力量消耗上把能源表现放置在基座上.使用仔细斟酌空气温度和速度作为边界状况,三维的计算的能流动的动态的(CFD)仿真被履行使用AIRPAK检查垂直温度散发,草稿不舒服和通风效力.它was断定随着一个偏斜阿特45的角和随着一1.1米的完成的水平联邦航空委员会单位与单位有的其他的相比更好些履行配置.禁止热的成层和草稿不舒服被注意到.更远,空间的使负担,供应空气速度和喷气式飞机区域冷下来影响被使用参数的研究随着24个CFD案例调查.在中间0.033和0.243直到Ar号是,基于,令人满意ADPI为联邦航空委员会单位的最大限度提供空气速度范围was的使用辨认出为a仿真结果是2.2 m/s?C3m s的