
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:17:15
For Part C you are to create a worksheet that will calculate how much total interest you are to pay for certain interest rates and certain term periods. You will use the PMT function in Excel (use help to learn about function). The loan amount will be in one of the cells (use that cell with your formulas). Assume that the cash value at the end of the payback period is zero and the payment is due at the end of each month.

The first table will display the monthly loan repayment amounts. The columns will be the payback period and the rows will be the interest rates.

The second table will be the total amount paid back over the length of the loan (in other words - the loan amount plus the interest). Use the same headings as the first table and use the data from the first table in your formulas.

Format the tables so that the tables look presentable (ie - table headings, not all of the numbers are negative numbers, etc).

Print out the tables tha





有关函数 PMT 中参数的详细说明,请参阅函数 PV。

Rate 贷款利率。(2%-8% in your exercise)

Nper 该项贷款的付款总数。(1-6 yrs in your exercise)

Pv 现值,或一系列未来付款的当前值的累积和,也称为本金。($175,000)

Fv 为未来值,或在最后一次付款后希望得到的现金余额,如果省略 fv,则假设其值为零,也就是一笔贷款的未来值为零。(as stated,"the cash value at the end of the payback period is zero", this should be "0" for your excercise)

Type 数字 0 或 1,用以指定各期的付款时间是在期初还是期末。(as stated "the payment is due at the end of each month",choose "0" for your exercise)

Type 值 支付时间
0 或省略 期末
1 期初

PMT 返回的支付款项包括本金和利息,但不包括税款、保留支付或某些与贷款有关的费用。
应确认所指定的 rate 和 nper 单位的一致性。例如,同样是四年期年利率为 12% 的贷款,如果按月支付,rate 应为 12%/12,nper 应为 4*12;如果按年支付,rate 应为 12%,nper 为 4。

如果要计算贷款期间的支付总额,请用 PMT 返回值乘以 nper。

示例 1
