
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 00:40:18
1.feel、2.spell、3.write down、 4.join 、5.find
6.miss、7.be afraid of、8.used to 、9.have to 10. worry about


I felt sort of ill.
He spelled out the government's plans in his speech
Write the telephone number down in case you forget
No country joined in Japan's protest
Columbus found America
The car missed me by a fraction of an inch
The little girl is intensely afraid of thunder.
Mr Brown used to be a bus driver
I'm afraid you'll have to put up with his bad temper
Don't spend your time worrying about silly things

1 Do you feel hungry?
2.The hot spell broke.
3.Please write it down here.
4.Join the car - pool and save money and wear and tear on your car.
5.I found myself solus.
6.I missed my friend.
7.There's nothing to be afraid of.
8. something used to beautify.
9.You have to go to reception.
10.Worry about the details later.