
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 19:19:06
系统的核心功能是添加培训和培训管理。添加培训要在后台由系统管理员来完成,主要工作包括发起新的培训,确定培训起始时间,选择培训讲师,准备培训资料和发布培训信息。根据这些信息,讲师能够明确自己的工作,及时制定工作计划,学员可以了解相关培训,报名参加感兴趣的培训。培训管理功能主要面向的用户是讲师,讲师通过该功能能够很方便地了解自己所负责的培训的学员信息,及时获取培训的相关资料,安排培训课程,查看并下载学员上传的作业等,从而方便讲师的管理,减少讲师的工作量。系统采用了SQL Server2005来设计数据库,并采用了功能强大的网站设计软件visual studio 2008,它提供了功能强大的内部类库和丰富的控件资源,方便用户对网站的设计,并对数据库应用有着良好的支持。
关键字:校本培训系统 添加培训 培训管理 资料管理


School-based training system, covering many areas of teacher training, training for teachers to provide an interactive platform. Management platform, which includes the front and back-office management, front desk management lecturer at home and are divided into two different training modules homepage. Management, including training in the management of the background, a lecturer management, management training modules and training bulletins. Home lecturers, including personal information, training management, training lists, training bulletins and modify the code module. Home students, including personal information, my training list, a lecturer of information, training announcements and Change Password modules.
The core functions of the system is to add training and training management. Add training to be in the background by the system administrator to complete the main work includes launching the new training, identify training starting time, select train