Shape 高分找英文翻译 急用 共3-2

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 07:45:23
我的灵感是马赛克,由各种不同形状的小方块组成的一幅画。我把平面的马赛克发展成更加立体的东西。我联想到钻石,钻石是不同形状和分割面形成的一个三角形。棱角分明,因此在我的设计上我让衣服的外形更加硬朗。突出体现这个立体的三角方块。例如,一件短款的小西装搭配一条紧身的铅笔裤。给人的感觉更加干练,并且在西装的袖子和领子上突出立体的三角块。但除了打造这种硬朗的感觉之外,仍然需要突出女性的线条,合理的分割身体的比例,让腿部线条更加纤长。另外一个特点,我的设计有几套都加上了宽大的腰带,是为了突出了腰部和臀部的线条。三角的分割也是按照钻石的分割比例体现在我的衣服上。 最后,我结合柔和硬的效果来体现女性的魅力。

My inspiration is the mosaic of a variety of different shapes, composed of a small painting box. I have a two-dimensional three-dimensional mosaic to develop into something more. I think of diamonds, diamonds of different shapes and form a partition of a triangle face. Distinct edges and corners, so I design my clothes so that more healthy appearance. Highlighted the three-dimensional triangular box. For example, a short section of a small suit with tight trousers and pencil. Feel more able, and in the sleeves and collar suits highlight a three-dimensional triangular block. However, apart from creating the feeling of this tough but still need to highlight the women's line, a reasonable proportion of the division of the body, so that the legs more slender lines. Another feature of the design of the sets I have added a wide belt, is to highlight the waist and hip lines. Segmentation is also triangular partition ratio in accordance with the diamonds in my clothes. Finally, I combin