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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 08:31:46
Results and discussion
Tissue cultured plants produced more roots than plants from seeds and this difference was accompanied by more soil–peat in the rhizosphere (Table 1). The ATP and total PLFA concentration of the rhizosphere of tissue-cultured plants were also greater than for seed plants (Table 1). The genetic modifications also affected the ATP and PLFA contents with there being less ATP in the reduced CCR rhizospheres compared to unmodified plants irrespective of the propagation method. There were distinct differences in the PLFA profiles for the different propagation methods and genotypes.
PLFA diversity was greater and more variable (less even) in rhizospheres of tissue culture plants than rhizospheres of seed-grown plants (Table 1). The PLFA
biomarkers for bacteria were more abundant in the rhizospheres of tissue culture plants than in rhizospheres of seedgrown plants (Table 1). PLFA diversity was smaller in
reduced CCR rhizospheres than in unmodified rhiz

植物组织培养生产的根源比植物种子和这种差异的同时,更多的土壤,泥炭在根际(表1 ) 。 ATP和总磷脂脂肪酸浓度根际组织培养植物也大于种子植物(表1 ) 。该基因改变也影响了ATP和磷脂脂肪酸含量少的有三磷酸腺苷的减少重整rhizospheres未修改的植物相比,不论其繁殖方法。有明显的差异在磷脂脂肪酸配置为不同的繁殖方法和基因型。
磷脂脂肪酸多样性更大和更变量(甚至更少)的rhizospheres植物组织培养比rhizospheres种子生长的植物(表1 ) 。在磷脂脂肪酸
生物标志物的细菌更丰富的rhizospheres植物组织培养比rhizospheres的seedgrown植物(表1 ) 。磷脂脂肪酸多样性较小
减少的CCR rhizospheres比未修改rhizospheres (表1 ) 。浓度的真菌生物标志物也大大减少,减少的CCR rhizospheres
(表1 ) 。
不论基因型,但无显着差异任何的N浓度。在种子根生长的植物,可提取ç约占总数的30 %根ç ,而在根植物组织培养占到约60 % (表1 ) 。分解率的根从植物组织培养和氮含量的土壤微生物生物量均为两倍的价值的根源,提出了从植物种子(表1 ) 。根修饰的植物腐烂时更迅速地从种子,但更慢时再生组织培养(表1 ) 。根多样性特点和磷脂脂肪酸相关(图1 ) 。在冗余分析双向情节,占轴1
50.2 %之间的关系磷脂脂肪酸和根系的特点和数据的分离基因型( P “ 0.050 ) 。 2轴分开的数据根据繁殖方法
( P值0.001 ) 。根分解率,三磷酸腺苷的浓度在根际微生物,根碳水化合物浓度和土壤质量的根际
非常强烈的相关性与轴2分,但不是轴1分数( P “ 0.214 ) 。