
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 09:50:18
一,驾照类别:C证分C1、C2。C1证可以开手动档和自动档的小汽车;C2证可以开自动档小汽 车。人们通常学C1证,C证6年有效期,每年不年检,6年到期换发新证。 二,学车步骤: 1,先到驾校报名;两年内学完有效。 2,到规定医院体检,内容是视力、听力、四肢、不利于驾车的大病等。 3,参加法规培训。教材内容有国家规定的法规,关于车、道路的知识,考题等。培训后参加法规考试,满分100分,90分及格。 4,法规合格后,办理上车卡,允许上车训练。 5,上车先有几小时基本熟悉车的训练,接着在场地练桩,练习倒库、移库。满20小时后预约桩考。 6,桩考通过后上路练习驾驶技能。从第一次上车日算起满30日可以预约路考。 7,通过路考后一周内核发驾驶证。

First, driving license category: The C card divides C1, C2. The C1 card may open the manual files and the automatic files compact car; The C2 card may drive the automatic files compact car. The people usual study C1 card, C proves 6 year term of validity, every year the annual inspection, 6 year due does not trade issues the new card. Second, studies the vehicle step: 1st, arrives at the driving school registration first; In two years study effective. 2nd, to stipulates the hospital physical examination, the content is the big sickness which the vision, the hearing, the four limbs, do not favor drive and so on. 3rd, participates in laws and regulations training. The teaching material content has the laws and regulations which the country stipulated that about vehicle, path's knowledge, examination question and so on. After the training, participates in the laws and regulations test, the perfect score 100 points, 90 points pass an examination. 4th, after laws and regulations qual