
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 11:42:38
本文以开发基于机器视觉的板栗精细分级装置为目标,应用机器视觉技术与机电一体化技术,对板栗分级装置的动力传送机构 、动力装置以及整体机架进行了相关设计.
本设计充分利用我们学校农机实验室的资源,首先进行板栗分级试验台的结构分析,然后采用先总体方案设计,再通过一系列的理论计算完成对动力装置各机构参数的确定. 通过部件试验,优化结构参数,并检验总体设计方案,最终完成对板栗自动检测分机实验台机械部分的设计.

关键词:板栗; 机器视觉;分级;试验台;

Based on the development of Chinese chestnut based on machine vision for grading device, fine target machine vision technology and application of mechatronics device, chestnut power transmission organization classification, power plant and the overall frame design.
This design make full use of our school laboratory resources, agricultural machinery, chestnut classification system's structure analysis, and then by the overall design, through a series of theoretical calculation of power plant agencies parameters optimization experiment. Through parts, and the structural parameters of inspection, overall design scheme, finally complete automatic detection of chestnut extension experimental design of mechanical parts.

Keywords: Chinese chestnut, Machine vision, Grading, Test-beds,

This text with development according to machine sense of vision of the chestnut fine ratings equip for target, apply technique and machine electricity integral whole of the machine se