
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 22:35:11
2.无论怎样,我认为失败是成功之母(at any rate)
3.我不想让他心存悬念,而是坦率地回绝了他的邀请(keep...in suspense;frank)
4.____________(与我成长的地方相比),this town is exciting
5._____________(这个年轻人利用这次出差的好机会),and gained the boss favor
6._______________(不管是下雨还是下雪),the party will be held outside
7.The Union Presented a suggestion that______________(所有的工人都享受免费的医疗保健)
8.In no way___________(我对所发生的事情负责)
11.他买下那辆旧汽车可上了大当了(take in )
12.当面临困难的时候,千万不能放弃,因为希望就在前方(in sight )
13.我有时会去健身房做瑜珈来拉伸身体(at times; stretch)
14.The problem is______________(我们是否能按要求完成这个项目)
15.Now that I'm uneilling to go with you __________(而是因为现在我很忙)
16.Even if he is very busy__________________(他也不会放弃他的业余爱好)
17.The students regretted that ____________________(他们做了本不该做的事)
18.________________(一旦摆脱了家务事),Mary might have more time to read and finish her studies at college


They don't want their parents to make more interference to them.
2.无论怎样,我认为失败是成功之母(at any rate)
I think failure is the mother of success at any rate.
3.我不想让他心存悬念,而是坦率地回绝了他的邀请(keep...in suspense;frank)I don't want to keep him in suspense so I frankly rejected his invitation.
4.Compared to the place where I was brought up,__________(与我成长的地方相比),this town is exciting
5.____This young man made good use of this chance to go out on business_________(这个年轻人利用这次出差的好机会),and gained the boss favor
6.__No matter it rains or snows_____________(不管是下雨还是下雪),the party will be held outside
7.The Union Presented a suggestion that___all workers (should)enjoy free medical care___________(所有的工人都享受免费的医疗保健)
8.In no way_____I will be responsible to what has happened______(我对所发生的事情负责)
Meeting is the symptom of no good organization of an institution,the fewer times the meeting is hel