
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 03:37:38
经过弗洛伊德的不懈努力,10年后,他的学说终于受到了重视,荣格等一批著名心理学家拜入他的门下,精神分析学派就此初步形成。1908年,他所主持的精神分析学会在维也纳成立,后来发展为国际精神分析协会。弗洛伊德凭借卓越的学说以及对 人类心理隐藏部分的深刻理解,开创了一个全新的心理学研究领域。

Open "dream" that the door
Freud was born in Austria, a Jewish family, was very popular with discrimination against Jews. Freud's study of small intentions, I hope one day for Jews to live up to expectations. Later, he became a doctor. Freud in the sand to follow the French psychiatrists can learn to see teachers using hypnosis to treat the mentally ill law, recognizing that the human body and spirit that exists between the delicate relationship. He then embarked on a clinical observation and analysis of the patient.
After this time in 2067, Freud to psychology through to anthropology, religion and literature studies, but also the patients themselves and their dreams for more than two years to do the case study. Through unremitting efforts, he was released in 1900 "Dreams" book. He analyzed the dreams of many cases that is a dream that could not be realized by suppressing the aspirations of the meet.
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