最高悬赏 英语 初中 急 ~~~好的再追加分

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:30:00
1,page 13 的p究竟大写还是小写
2,在几十年代 是in 1990s 还是in the 1990s啊
3,-May I have a glass of beer,please?
-Sorry ,there's ____left,but would you like some juice instead
A,none B nothing
4,His homework is cleaner than _________ in his class
A anyone else B anyone’s else anyone else 's
5,-Do you need ____ tea?
-Yes,we plan to have a tea party this weekend
A some more B much more C any much D some much
6,—John,someone called you this morning 。
—Oh,who was————?
A it B that
7,in two or three days 和in two or three days’time的区别
8,a two—hour walk和two hours‘walk为什么一个用a一个不用a
9,Every student as well as some teachers who ————to visit the museum———asked to be at the school gate before7:30in the morning。
选填is are

All who ————studied this question————come to the ame conclusion
选填have has

定语从句怎样辨别填when还是that, where还是that啊


1,page 13 的p究竟大写还是小写

回答: 完全不用,因为page并不是什么专有名词,除非单独写的时候: Page 13,

2,在几十年代 是in 1990s 还是in the 1990s啊

回答: in the 1990s是正确的,固定用法,记住。

3,-May I have a glass of beer,please?
-Sorry ,there's ____left,but would you like some juice instead
A,none B nothing

回答:B,nothing。 there is nothing是一个相对完整的句子,nothing是代词作宾语。none是形容词性。

4,His homework is cleaner than _________ in his class
A anyone else B anyone’s else anyone else 's

回答:你从意思来看,“任何其他人的”=anyone else 's,也是固定的表达。

5,-Do you need ____ tea?
-Yes,we plan to have a tea party this weekend
A some more B much more C any much D some much

回答:B,much more短语,很多,许多。这里不是喝茶,而是要茶叶。因为开party要用很多茶。

6,—John,someone called you this morning 。
—Oh,who was————?
A it B that

回答:A it,因为that不能单独代指人,不知道是he还是she,所以用it代指。

7,in two