
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 16:27:56
英语、汉语由于形态等等的差别,是完全不同的两种语言,语言是以交流为最终目的的,而精通一门语言就要达到用它思考的地步,那么,翻译,作为一个交流的手段,它在语言学习中,对于学习者掌握语言,形成用该语言思考的习惯,是促进的加深理解的作用,还是阻碍的分化作用? 谢谢

不是要求 翻译 注意啊 不是要求翻译 而是 询问哦 回答问题



English, Chinese as a result of differences in morphology, etc., are completely different in two languages, language is the ultimate goal of the exchange, and proficient in a language we should use it to reach the point of thinking, then the translation, as a means of exchange it in terms of language learning, for learners to master the language, the language used to form the habit of thinking is to promote a deeper understanding of the role, or hinder the role of differentiation?

English and Chinese due to form the difference, etc. Are two different language, the language is the ultimate goal for communication, and to master a foreign language is to use it, then, the thinking, as a means of communication, it is in language learning, for learners to master the language, the language form the habit of thinking with the deepening understanding, promote the function, or hinder the differentiation?

English, Chinese as a result of differences in morphology, e