
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 15:54:23

摘要: 变频调速以其优异的调速和起制动性能,高效率、高功率因数和节能效果,广泛的适用范围及其它许多优点而被国内外公认为最有发展前途的调速方式,其重要性日益得到世界各国的重视。而模糊控制不需要建立精确的数学模型,而是运用模糊理论将人的经验知识、思维推理以及控制过程的方法与策略是由所谓模糊控制器来实现。因此模糊控制对那些难以获得数学模型或者是模型非常粗糙的工业系统,如大滞后,非线性的复杂工业对象实施者有独特优势。本课题将模糊控制与PLC结合,利用PLC实现模糊控制,既保留了PLC的可靠灵活,适应能强等特点又提高了控制系统的智能化程度

Variable frequency speed regulation system of intelligent control study
Abstract: with its high frequency conversion speed and braking performance, high efficiency, high power factor and energy saving effect, and widely applicable range and many other advantages by domestic grandpa think most promising control mode, the importance of getting attention all over the world. And the fuzzy control does not need to build an accurate mathematical model of fuzzy theory, but the experience of knowledge, thinking and reasoning methods and strategies of process control is to realize the so-called fuzzy controller. Therefore the fuzzy control for those elusive mathematical model is very rough model or the industrial system, such as the complex nonlinear delay, industrial object is implemented distinct advantages. This task will be combined with PLC, the fuzzy control using PLC to realize fuzzy control, PLC is reserved to the reliable, flexible and can improve the level of intelligence cont