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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 07:26:04
随着信息通信技术的日趋成书与完善,卷积码在人类的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用。利用卷积码不但可以大大提高通信的质量,加速运算的过程,同时也能降低各类数字通信系统以及计算机存贮和运算系统中的误码率。如今,卷积码已被广泛应用于通信,计算机,网络等科技领域,对改善我们的生活做出了极大地贡献。本文将从卷积码的起源,原理,性能等方面对卷积码进行却面的分析,并通过Verilog –HDL语言编写一个比较简单的卷积器程序,并且用Modelsim对其进行仿真。
千万别用机器翻 老师还没那么蠢可以这样蒙

With the growing of information communication technology and perfect, convolution code was in human daily life plays an increasingly important role. Using convolution code not only can greatly improve the quality and speed of communication, but also the process of operation can reduce kinds of digital communication system and computer storage and operation system of the probability. Nowadays, convolution code has been widely applied in communication, computer network technology, etc, to improve our life greatly contribute to the. This paper from the origin of convolution code, principle, performance in aspects of convolution code for the analysis, but through Verilog - HDL language a simpler convolution, and use Modelsim program of the simulation.
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