
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 17:14:53
纵观以往对于樋口一叶其人其文的研究,可知对于“奇迹期”单篇作品的研究已经硕果累累,而将“奇迹期”代表作作为一个整体,探讨其关联性、一致性和共通性的考证则并不多见。本文尝试将“奇迹期”的作品系列化。序论的部分陈述了先行研究以及遗留的问题点,在此基础上第2章将“奇迹期”的三篇代表作《大年夜》、《青梅竹马》、《十三夜》作为一个整体,从女主人公的形象、“两个世界”的 设定、作品的批判性和局限性这三个方面入手,逐一对比分析,第3章在前一章研究结果的基础上,首先分析女主角的设定与初期作品的异同,并总结“奇迹期”女性形象的一致性;接下来从樋口一叶本人的双重身份生活经历中,寻找三篇代表作中均出现的女主角所处“两个世界”的成因;最后从客观和主观两个视角探求作品中现实主义批判的局限性和成因。

Review past Tong for his mouth is the research, known for "miracle" of the research work time, and will have fruitful "miracles" masterpiece as a whole, discusses its relevance, consistency, and the convergence is not much. This paper tries to introduce "miracle" series of works. The first part of the state XuLun research and the problems left, on the basis of chapter 2 "miracle" of the three masterpiece "eve, childhood", "night" as a whole, the heroine image from the world ", "two sets of critical and limitations, the three aspects, comparative analysis, chapter 3 in the previous chapter research results on the basis of analysis of the heroine, first set and early, and the similarities and differences between the" miracles "female image consistency, The Tong from my mouth is double identity, looking for the life experiences of three representative in the heroine of the "two world", Finally, fr