
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 16:08:58
2. 2004年,普通初中和高中在校女生的比例分别达到47.4%和45.8%;中等职业学校在校女生的比例达到51.5%;全国普通高等院校在校女生为609万人,占在校生总数的45.7%,比1995年提高10.3个百分点;女硕士、女博士的比例分别达到44.2%和31.4%,比1995年分别提高13.6和15.9个百分点。

1. Chinese women's broad participation of the State and society of political affairs.1995-2000 election years, local people's Congress of the turnout was per cent of females, males 77.6 per cent, female and male turnout similar.in 1998 of the ninth national people's Congress, on behalf of the 650 people, women accounted for 21.8% of the total number of representatives; in the Ninth CPPCC, female members, representing a total of 341 of 15.5% for China to become the world's women's participation in politics with high levels.
2. in 2004, the junior and senior high school in the ordinary school girls respectively reached 47 0.4% and 45 per cent; 8,380 schools'sports girl ratio; 51% of the National College for school girls in 609 million persons, constituting the students at the total number of 45% in 1995, more than 10. three percentage points; women and women in the master Dr respectively reached 44.2% and 31, 1995 to improve the ratio of 13. 6 and 15 themo