
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 19:09:01
目的 了解我院抗生素应用情况,指导临床合理应用抗生素。方法 对2008年10月至12月我院门诊处方进行随机抽取,选取15个门诊科室,每月每科抽取20张处方,统计抗生素使用率,应用方式等。结果 总共抽取处方数900张,使用抗生素处方为244张,占处方总数的27.11%,其中一联处方186张,占76.23%,二联处方52张,占21.31%,三联及三联以上处方6张,占2.46%。 结论 本次调查表明,我院抗生素药物的应用基本合理,但也存在一些问题,仍需加强抗生素的使用管理。

Objective To understand the application of antibiotics in our hospital to guide clinical use of antibiotics. Methods to October 2008 in our hospital in December to conduct random out-patient prescription, select 15 out-patient department, the monthly samples for each subject 20 prescription antibiotic usage statistics, and other applications. The results of a total of 900 samples the number of prescriptions, the use of the prescription of antibiotics for 244, accounting for 27.11% of the total number of prescriptions, one of 186 joint prescriptions, accounting for 76.23%, 52 two-prescription, accounting for 21.31%, three Triple Alliance and more than six prescriptions, accounting for 2.46%. Conclusions The survey showed that the antibiotics in our hospital basically rational application of drugs, but there are some problems still need to strengthen the management of the use of antibiotics.

Objective to understand our antibiotic application, clinical rational application of ant