Quello che mi davi tu 意大利歌词翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 04:10:45

Ciao, come stai? Tutto bene
Hi, how are you? Everything ok
Mi hai pensato mai? Sai,giusto ieri
Have you ever thought of me? You know, just yesterday
Ti ho vista, camminavi tra i negozi
I saw you, you were walking among the stores
Quanti ricordi, mi son tornati in mente
How many memories came to my mind
Guardando i tuoi capelli
Looking at you hair

Non pensavo, che
I didn't believe that
Bastasse così poco, per ricordare
so little was enough for me to remember
Chi cercavo di dimenticare, da tanto tempo
the one I was trying to forget
Per paura di non trovare
Out of fear of not finding
Un'altra che mi desse
Another (woman) that would give me
Quello che mi davi tu, che avevi tu
What you were giving me, what you were having.

È stato eterno, senza fiato
It was eternal, breath-taking
Solo un momento, giusto il tempo
Just a moment, right on ti