
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:13:14
A hallmark of the WR-21 engine is its modular design. Individual modules can be removed and replaced aboard ship, which eliminates the need for the engine to be removed during maintenance, reduces support requirements, and facilitates shipboard maintenance. In addition, the rotating elements of the WR-21 are prebalanced, eliminating the need for trim balancing after the core engine is assembled. "These features can represent a significant reduction in maintenance and support costs, which we estimated to be $250,000 per ship per year," said Jerry Harmeyer, ICR project engineer at Westinghouse Marine Division.

一个标志水利- 21发动机是它的模块化设计。单独的模块可以被删除,代之以船上,无需对发动机维修过程中被删除,降低支持的要求,并有利于船上维修。此外,旋转要素水利- 21 prebalanced ,无需调整平衡后的核心引擎组装。 “这些特性可以代表显着降低维护和支持成本,我们估计为250 000美元,每年每船说, ”杰里Harmeyer ,民事项目工程师在西屋海洋司。 完毕!