
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 22:28:40
本设计以ATmega16L作为核心控制器,采用瑞士Sensirion公司推出的基于CMOSens技术的新型温湿度传感器SHT11采集温度和湿度,并用光敏电阻来测试光线状况,通过LCD液晶显示测得的温度和湿度及光线状况。温湿度传感器SHT11 集温度传感器和湿度传感器于一体,因此采用SHT11 进行温湿度实时监测的系统具有精度高、成本低、体积小、接口简单等优点;另外SHT11 芯片内部集成了14 位A/D 转换器,且采用数字信号输出,因此抗干扰能力也比同类芯片高。

ATmega16L this design as the core controller, Sensirion Swiss-based company launched a new type of technology CMOSens temperature and humidity sensor temperature and humidity SHT11 collection and use of photosensitive lighting conditions to test the resistance through the LCD liquid crystal display measured temperature and humidity and lighting conditions . SHT11 set temperature and humidity sensor temperature sensors and humidity sensors in one, so the use of SHT11 for real-time monitoring of temperature and humidity of the system has high accuracy, low cost, small size, simple interface; SHT11 another chip integrated 14-bit A / D conversion browser, and the use of digital signal output,


如果对温度范围要求不是很高的话,还是用国产的DHT11或者DHT21 DHT22吧 ,精度和温度精度完全可以取代SHT。价格又少了很多,我们公司就是用DHT22的 精度不错