
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 03:53:56
从前有个国王,他想为天底下一种职业颁奖。有一天,他就把他的大臣们召集来,问他们应该颁给谁?这时候,有个大臣就说了,把它颁发给农民吧,因为农民一年四季辛勤耕种,为国家提供了粮食。另一个大臣人说,颁发给发明家吧,因为他们为国家发明了有用的东西, 又一个大臣人说,那不如颁发给艺术家,因为他们用自己的艺术给别人带去了欢乐。国王听了,一个劲儿的摇头,最后国王把奖状颁发给了老师。
老师是伟大的。虽然老师是渺小的,但 360行行有状元,各行里的状元就是老师辛勤培养的结果。没有老师,也就没有所谓的科学家,没有老师,也就没有所谓的艺术家,没有老师,也就没有一切。老师虽不是万能的,但她确实是培养出了万能的人才。


There was once a king, he would like a professional presentation for the earth. One day, he had convened his ministers to ask them who should be awarded? At this time, a minister said, and presented it to the farmers, because farmers hard all year round farming, provided the food for the country. Another minister said that it issued to inventors because they are a useful invention for the state of things, but also a minister who said that it was not awarded to artists, because they use their own art brought joy to others. King listened to a trial of strength of shaking his head, the last King of the certificate awarded to the teacher.
Peasant farming knowledge, scientists need to invent and create knowledge, artists also need to have knowledge of the industry will know what is art, who gave their knowledge, that is our great teacher.
Is a great teacher. Although teachers are insignificant, but the 360 direction are top, top of the line is the result of teacher training har