
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 09:41:53

Have been less than one side to replace the same, then, in the. . . Between boring, delicious alone, stupid, wood, a diet, that the continuation of the break, under the very kind of you, if, victory speech, design, become a return, which occurred all of a sudden, surprise, located off with, a whole day, hall, and, progress....
到过,have been to 少于,less than 一边,as...as 代替,take place 相同,same以后,after在。。。之间,between ,among 无聊,boring 美味的,delicious仅仅only,愚蠢,stupid木头,wood节食,on a diet一点,a little , a few 继续,continue破的,poor ,broken 下under ,below,你真好,you are very kind假如,if ,胜利,victory演讲,lecture设计,design成为,become归还,return发生,happen突然间,suddenly惊喜surprise,设断,带,一整天all day long,大厅hall,地,floor进步,progress (那两个没看懂,呵呵)

到过 have/has been,少于 less then,一边 at the same time,代替 substitute,相同 same,以后 since/ after,在。。。之间 among,无聊 borning ,美味的delicious/ yummy,仅仅 only/just,愚蠢 stupid,木头wood,节食go on a diet/on diet,一点a little/a bit,继续continue,破的broken,下below/down,你真好you are so nice,假如supposeing/assume,