
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 20:32:44
*Swing in the business cycle are not only internationally contagious but also self-reinforcing.
*International price competitiveness is another key determinant of a country's
international trade in goods and servieces,in addition to the effects of national income on the country's imports and foreign income on the country's exports.
*The"locomotive effect",as the large economy pulls the rest of the world behind it as the locomotive pulls the rest of the train.

*In your analysis
*Use basis theory
*a specific case as Support Materials

国际商品贸易和servieces ,除了影响国家收入国家的进口和外国收入国家的出口。
*在“火车头效应” ,作为拉动经济的大世界其他地方的背后的机车拉其余的列车。
