
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 11:03:15
话题:Talk about the feelings of happiness and sadness.

Matt:hi, mike. are you ok? you look sad.
mike:not ok, i failed two of four courses i had taken this semester and my GPA droped down from 3.2-2.2.
matt: i always thought you are a good student. were there anything happened to you?
mike:yes, i was addicted to computer game. i had been absent a lot.
matt: be happy, man. it was just your second semester in college. you can definitely improve you grade by taking more efforts to schoolwork and quiting game.
mike: thanks for comforting, me. how are you doing, matt.
matte: not much, something happened to my family. my parents got divorced few days ago. nevertheless, dont worry about. as you know i am an optimist. always be happy.