
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 19:47:53
戊子四月初八之灾异,余不忍述作者凡十余日。震后不作,查其灾也;灾中不作,观其政也。近则官报云:尸解者迫乎十万,毁伤者三百余千,损金者五千余亿,流离者百万之众。虽然,则恤灾之政堪可旌表,灾后援佑方兴未艾,当是时,忍作是书。 呜呼哀哉!蜀郡之民!春秋秦楚血胤,楚汉刘项逐鼎。白帝托孤,六出祁山无一胜;献忠屠蜀,二湖两广填四川。蜀也不曾负国,天府何曾负君?当此盛世之春,竟蒙千载惨祸! ...

The child was falling in April, Assyria cannot bear the catastrophes that more than 10 days. Do not look after the disaster, too, In the disaster, the government does not. While nearly did those clouds: autopsy, destroyed the 100,000 forced thousands, loss of more than 300 injured more than 5,000 million, the gold of the left. Although the government, whose T-shirt disaster relief, can appraise u-right, be, endure as books. WuHuAiZai! The sichuan people! Spring QinChu blood ChuHanLiu, a tripod ex-crown chase. TuoGu filled, six qi mountain; none - Zhong shu, offer the carcasses lake in sichuan province by comparing. Shu kingdom or negative, wherein the negative gentleman? When the time of spring, that thou shouldest 1000 years disaster!