
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 01:43:17
1891年12月初在美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德市基督教青年会国际训练学校(后为春田学院),由该校体育教师詹姆斯·奈史密斯博士发明,当年的篮球规则只有13条,奈史密斯博士于1939年去世,终年78岁。他未曾料到,由他创建的篮球项目竟然在二百多个国家流传市面着,而且至今美国篮球还誉满全球。 为了纪念奈史密斯博士发明的篮球的功绩,在春田学院校园内修建了美国篮球名人馆-詹姆斯·奈史密斯纪念馆。 起初,奈史密斯将两只桃篮别钉在键身房内看台的栏杆上,桃篮上沿距离地面3.04米,用足球作比赛工具,向篮投掷。投球入篮得1分,按得分多少决定胜负。每次投球进篮后,要爬梯子将球取出再重新开始比赛。以后逐步将竹篮改为活底的铁篮,再改为铁圈下面挂网。

Early in December 1891 in the United States the city of Springfield, Massachusetts, International Young Men's Christian Association Training School (later Springfield College), school physical education teachers by Dr. James Naismith invented, was only 13 rules of basketball, Dr. Naismith 1939, died at the age of 78. He did not expect, from basketball, he has created more than 200 countries in the popular market, but also has the world famous American basketball. To commemorate Dr. Naismith invented basketball achievements, in the Springfield College campus to build the United States Basketball Hall of Fame - James Naismith Memorial Hall. Initially, the Naismith nailed two peach baskets do not stand in the room keys are on the railings, peach basket on the ground along the distance of 3.04 meters, used for football games tools, throwing to the basket. Ball into the basket of a 1 pm, according to the number of decision points victory. After each ball into the basket, it is necess