failure to launch 英文观后感

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 16:09:51
不要太长 两百字左右就可以 精辟就好!谢谢啦~~

Went to see Failure to Launch last night... I haven't been to the movies for so long, so I was really looking forward to see this, even though it was trashed by most critics.

  Matthew McConaughey plays a 35-year old man named "Trip", who still lives with his parents. His parents hires Paula(Sarah Jessica Parker), who is a specialist at getting grown men to move out of their parents' homes, to help them get rid of Trip. The way Paula works is that she will first get men to fall in love with her, boost up their self-esteem, then motivate them to move out of their parents' house.

  The story is absolutely ludicrous, the dialogs are bad, the editing is not very good, and overall the movie kinda sucked. However, I did have a good time. Just watching McConaughey was fun enough for my girl friend and I. We were totally kicked back, relaxed, and giggly throughout the entire movie. There were a lot of laughs, a lot of "oooooo"s and "