
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 17:32:41
When warming up a steam turbine for use, the main stream stop valves (after the boiler) have a bypass line to allow superheated
steam to slowly bypass the valve before heating the lines in the system along with the steam turbine. Also, a gear engaged when no steam is being applied to the turbine slowly rotates the turbine to maintain the even heating required to prevent uneven expansion and rotor bowing. After first rotating the turbine by the turning gear and allowing time for the rotor to assume a straight plane (no bowing), the turning gear is disengaged, and steam is admitted to the turbine. For most utility and industrial steam turbines, a starting and loading chart is included in the unit instruction manual. The starting and loading chart is used to guide turbine operators in loading their units not only to minimize rotor and shell thermal stresses, but also to minimize the chances of the
rotor heating faster than the shell. When starting a shipboard
steam turbine



蒸汽阀门的缓缓绕行线之前,暖气系统中随着汽轮机。此外,在没有齿轮从事蒸汽被应用于水轮机慢慢旋转的涡轮保持甚至取暖需要,以防止扩大和转子不平衡鞠躬。经过第一次旋转的涡轮所谈到的渔具和允许的时间转子承担直飞机(不低头) ,转向齿轮脱离,和蒸汽被接纳的涡轮机。对于大多数公用事业和工业蒸汽涡轮机,一个起点,并载入中图表中包含股说明书。为起点,载入中图表是用来指导涡轮运营商载入中他们单位不仅要尽量减少和壳牌转子热应力,但同时也尽量的机会
汽轮机(海洋组) ,蒸汽通常接纳为后退刀片位于唱片(低气压)涡轮机,然后向