
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 17:25:49
The description of WiMAX

nowadays, internet plays a more and more important role in people's daily life. it is known that there are three ways to access the internet: broadband access, WIFI access, Dial-up access. However, all these options have their own problems. A new technology called WiMAX will appear which can solve all of these problems.

WiMAX is short for worldwide interoperability for microwave access. it has many advantages over the three basic options. For instance, WiMAX has a high speed of broadband service. The fastest WiFi connection transmission speed is 54 megabits per second in ordinary conditions, while WiMAX system's speed is much higher, which can pick up to 70 megabits per second. WiMAX also has a broad coverage comparing to small WiFi hotspots, WiFi's range is about 30 miles, whereas WiMAX system can receive the radius from 50km away because of using high frequency. what should be pointed out is that WiMAX system can provide two

what should be pointed out is that WiMAX system can provide two kinds of wireless service.

the Intel company is going to start making a processor so that WiMAX can be used in the next two or three years.
下周在日本就商用了,把“next two or three years”改成“next week”吧。
