
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 15:27:48
起点中文网做为全国最大的原创小说网,其流量中80%的用户年龄层次为15-25岁,20%的用户年龄层次为26 -40岁,起点做为“原创文学门户”在新兴的文学领域(譬如:玄幻,仙侠,重生……)在网络中其创作数量是绝对的无冕之王。依靠收费阅读、广告、策划出版以及游戏、影视产品的开发,起点中文网等网络文学产业的中坚们已经实现了盈利或者看到了扭亏为盈的曙光。虽然,读者阅读文学网站VIP作品时需要支付千字两分或三分钱的费用。这看起来不起眼的两分钱,到了写手手中,就成了百万元的年薪,而对网站来说每天几千万的点击量累积起来,也是一笔丰厚的收入。网络文学甚至无须将文字变成纸张,就可以实现各方面的盈利。将作品开发成网游、电影、电视、书籍。原创文学网站已经突破了传统文学产业对图书出版、发行模式的依赖,实现了网上收费阅读与网下产品附加值开发两条腿走路。

关键词:起点 盈利模式 原创文学

Chinese network points as the country's largest network of original fiction, and its flow in 80% of users ages 15-25 years old for 20% of users ages 26 -40 years of age for the starting point for the "original literature portal" in the emerging literature (for example: fantasy, Xian Xia, reborn ... ...) in the network the number of its creation is absolute无冕之王. Rely on the charges read, advertising, publishing and game planning, film and television products, the starting point for peer-to-peer network in Chinese literature have been the backbone of the industry realized a profit or turn around to see the dawn. Although readers of literature VIP site works required to pay two thousand words or two-thirds of the cost of money. It looks humble two cents, the hands of the writers, it becomes the annual salary of millions of dollars, but tens of millions of web sites daily traffic built up, but also a substantial income. Network literature do not even have the text into the