圆明园的毁灭资料 英语

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 06:13:01


Destruction of the Summer Palace

Looting of the Old Summer Palace by Anglo-French forces in 1860 during the Second Opium War.
Ruins of the European-style palaces
The Old Summer Palace as it was depicted in traditional Chinese painting
The pavilion and the stone arch are among few of the only remaining buildings in the ruins of the Old Summer PalaceIn 1860, during the Second Opium War, British and French expeditionary forces, having marched inland from the coast, reached Beijing (then known as Peking). On the night of October 6 French units diverted from the main attack force towards the Old Summer Palace.

Although the French commander Montauban assured the British commander Grant that "nothing had been touched", extensive looting, also by British and Chinese, took place. The Old Summer Palace was then occupied only by a few eunuchs, the Emperor Xianfeng having fled. There was no significant resistance to the lo