
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 17:53:12
摘要 :朗,即声音的清晰响亮.读,即诵读.朗读就是用清晰响亮的声音,结合个中语言手段.来完善地表达作品思想感情的一种艺术语言.充分发挥朗读在英语教学中的作用,是提高英语教学质量和学习效率的一条有效途径.本文通过朗读的定义,朗读与语言教学的联系,朗读在英语和中英语教学中的作用,如何在教学中发挥朗读的作用等方面探讨和研究朗读的作用。

Lang, that is loud and clear voice. Reading, that is read. Read is to use a clear loud voice, combined with a means of language. To perfect to express thoughts and feelings a work of artistic language. And give full play to read in English teaching role is to improve the quality of English teaching and learning an effective way to efficiency. In this paper, the definition of reading, teaching reading and language links to read in English and Chinese and English teaching role in teaching how to play the role of reading and study The role of reading aloud.

Abstract: Long, that is clear and loud voice. Reading, that is read. Read is to use a clear loud voice, combined with a means of language. To perfect to express thoughts and feelings a work of artistic language. And give full play to read in English Teaching role is to improve the quality of English teaching and learning an effective way to efficiency. In this paper, the definition of reading, teaching reading and language lin