the age of capital stock 翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 19:10:05
the age of capital stock
The age of a region's capital stock can affect productivity in the region relative to other regions. It is possible that the public capital stock, the infrastructure, is not compatible with the most up-to-date private capital stock ( Varaiya and Wiseman 1979 ). The classic example of this is a center-oriented city in an age where manufacturing plants tend to use land extensively and to locate in the peripheral areas of cities.

相对于其他地区来说,股本历史的长短能影响某个地区股本的生产率。作为基础设施的公共股本有可能与最新的私有股本相符( Varaiya 和 Wiseman 1979)。在当今这个制造业惯于大面积使用土地并且厂址选择在城市周边地区的时代,典型的例子(指公私股本不相符)就是一个以市中心为据点的城市。
