
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 20:37:33
1. 出门时带上雨伞, 以备不时之需. in case of
2. 他能说服自己的女儿改变想法吗?persuade
3. 在很多年后,我在香港与她取得了联系。contact
4. 我得等候适当的时机。watch
5. 地震地区(quake-hit)的人们正在遭受痛苦。Suffer


1、Go out and take an umbrella in case of rainy days。
2、He persuaded his daughter to change the idea ?
3、In many years, I am in Hong Kong have made contact with her contact。
4、I must wait for proper time to watch。
5、In the earthquake region people are suffering is blind。