
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 16:23:22
(((( 在某些核场所内,对周围环境的要求相当高,往往需要构建一个环境自动控制系统,以便检测监控核场所内实时的环境指数:包括温度、湿度、气压等等,其中温度是很重要的因素。因此,本文从实际考虑出发,针对核场所内特殊环境要求,设计改造一套关于控制温度的中央空调系统,使其能对场所内温度进行有效控制,该系统采用PLC作为主控制器,保证其良好的稳定性,并且使用组态王作为监控,使控制系统更加完善和人性化。

关键词: 中央空调系统 PLC 组态王)))

((((In some nuclear sites, the requirements on the surrounding environment is very high, often need to build an automatic control system environment in order to detect real-time monitoring of nuclear sites within the environmental index: including temperature, humidity, pressure, etc., in which the temperature is a very important factor. Therefore, starting from the practical considerations, in view of the special environment of nuclear sites within the requirements of the design of the transformation temperature on the control of a central air-conditioning system on the premises to enable them to effectively control the temperature, the system uses PLC as main controller, and ensure its stability, and use as a monitor Kingview to control the system more comprehensive and user-friendly.

Key words: central air-conditioning system Kingview PLC)))