
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 18:27:11
龟为「四灵」(龙、凤、麟、龟)之一,蛇被认为有神性 的灵物。北方玄武7宿被想像为龟蛇相继之形。最初,玄武与青龙、朱雀、白虎,同为道教的护法神。汉朝,开始盖庙奉祀玄武真君,历代帝王封其为真君、帝君、上帝。宋朝,避其祖赵玄朗名讳,改玄武为真武。宋神宗立其为玄天上帝。道教尊玄天上帝为三元都统帅,为万法教主,统管36元帅。传说朱元璋起事时,因战败逃入武当山真武庙,避过追兵。朱元璋即位后,感念玄天上帝救命之恩,下令改建真武庙,重塑金身,赐题「北极神殿」匾额,加封号为玄天上帝。
民间传说,玄天上帝是杀猪的屠夫,晚年,感慨杀生太多,难积阴德,遂决心修道,毅然隐入深山,修身养性,得观世音菩萨显灵点化,谓他杀生太多,罪孽太深,必 须自切腹肚,取出五脏在河中洗净方能修成正果。屠夫依言切腹割出内脏在河中洗涤,河水全部都变成黑色,一直洗至河水澄清,才把内脏纳回腹中。屠夫的行为感动了玉皇大帝,於是修成正果,而他丢在河里的肠胃,经吸收天地精气后,变成龟蛇危害世人,玄天上帝下凡收伏,却吃了败仗,於是请保生大帝帮忙,以36天将(36天罡星)作为抵押,借到伏魔北斗七星剑,与龟蛇大战,剑光起处,龟蛇即被制服,惟若收剑,龟蛇就蠢蠢欲动。玄天上帝只得把龟蛇踩在脚下,运用神功压住。手上紧握北斗七星剑,致无法将剑归还保生大帝,36天将即成为保生大帝的部将。后来龟蛇变成玄天

Tien God's name is St. Mary Help of Christians really武玄day economic hardships of God s final robbery, also known as the Arctic Xuan Tian Shang Di, Xuan Emperor, the Great North Pole, Chen-Wu, the general Zhenwu, Great Tien, Yuantian God, open days, the Great, open days Yan, Wu Zhen, the naive Timor, as long as the river of God, as the Emperor, Yuan武神Arctic Zhenjun St. Mary Help of Christians,元帝Arctic St.神君, small God, and so on, referred to as God, the public and the Lord God, God Emperor public.
  In ancient times, the sky is divided into 28 constellations of stars, but also 28 places are divided into the North and the South East and West 4 groups of seven stars, think of the image of animals. Five with five colors in accordance with the claim that the East Qinglong, South Suzaku, the Western White Tiger northern basaltic (龟蛇) the so-called "four images." "The Book of Rites," set: "before the Chinese bird, and then basaltic" Zhu is a guide to