面试时英语自我介绍 帮忙改正错误

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 15:54:22
my name is lixianfeng,i'm thirty two years old,i come from HeNan,eight years of work experience,i interesteed in this job,my ability,i can be competend,although my english is not good,i have strog ability self-studying,and i'm condient to learn it well in the
following year,i'm pretty sure,thank you!

i have strong ability self-studying改为i can teach myself

太没有亮点了 如果你英语一般般 个人感觉写的简短一点会比较好点 不容易看出破绽……


每一个句子都以I am开头,显得很单一,人家就觉得你水平很poor。