
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 01:31:40

About a hundred years (31)_____ a baby tiger was found in a wild forest in India. At the time a ship was just getting ready (32)_____ sail for England, and so it was decided that he should (33)_____ London.

In those days there were no steamship, and it took many months for a ship to sail (34)_____ India to England. The little tiger soon (35)_____ himself at home on board the ship and he was liked by everyone.

He was not (36)_____ to do any harm, and so he was allowed to run about as he wished. He was always ready for a game with anyone who had time to play. He slept (37)_____ the sailors. He took his food from their hands. He raced with them on the deck. He was very fond of meat, and now and then he would steal (38)____ from the cooks’ room. One day a cook caught him, just as he (39)_____ a piece of meat, and gave him a good beating. But after that he was still (40)_____ friendly to the cook as to anyone else.

A. befo

and now and then he would steal (38)____ from the cooks’ room

选C some meat.


B不对,同理,meat不可数,可以说few pieces of meat. 几片肉
D也不对,meat单数对了,但是应该说a pieces of meat,一片肉

只有c some meat是对的,一些肉。


some milk,
some water,
some drink,
some beef
some chicken

c meat不可数。要不用pieces of meat


meat是不可数名词,排除A B。 D的话要用a piece of meat ,因为piece可数。
