边设计边施工 英语应该怎么翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 13:36:13
建筑工程的特点决定了在合同执行的过程中,约定的工程价款很难不发生改变。尤其是在我国,边设计、边施工的现状必然导致大量设计变更的出现,使得竣工结算成为大多数建设工程施工合同履行过程中的一个相对复杂又至关重要的环节。 一块帮忙翻译一下吧,O(∩_∩)O~

边设计边施工Edge design edge construction

Characteristic of the construction works carried out in the contract process, the agreed price of the project is not difficult to change. Especially in China, while design and construction side of the status quo will inevitably lead to the emergence of a large number of design changes, making the completion of the majority of settlement construction as a construction contract in the process of implementation of a relatively complex and crucial link.