
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 06:29:30

摘要:新疆拥有丰富的地域优势及民族民俗文化旅游资源,具有巨大的开发利用空间,占据了不容忽视的地域和文化优势,如何有效的运用这一优势,将新疆的文化产业开发成为具有新疆本土特色的、具有地域优势的、能代表新疆多民族文化特色的产业,是这个世纪新疆旅游发展关注的首要问题。同时,为避免在发展过程中 “发展性破坏”等深层次问题,我们需要谨慎的关注和调研,统一规划,合理布局,从根本上走可持续开发的道路,使其能在旅游产业发展与民俗文化保护之间找到平衡点和结合点,实现社会效益与经济效益的最大化。


Abstract: Xinjiang is rich in geographical advantage and national folk culture tourism resources, with great development and utilization of space, occupied the area that can not be ignored and cultural advantages, how to effectively use this advantage to the development of cultural industries in Xinjiang, Xinjiang has become a local characteristics, with geographical advantages, and can represent the characteristics of national culture, Xinjiang and more industries are tourism development in Xinjiang this century primary concern. At the same time, in order to avoid in the development process "developmental damage" and other deep-rooted problems, we need careful attention and research, unified planning, rational distribution, fundamentally sustainable development path,
So that it can in the tourism industry and folk culture to find a balance between the protection and integration points to achieve the maximization of social benefits and economic benefits.