
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 21:22:19

The use of microbial nucleic acids for the preparation of raw materials, easy to get cheap raw materials, can the advantages of large-scale production. By the study shows that yeast nucleic acid content is relatively high.
Conventional method in this experiment from a few selected strains of yeast RNA with higher levels of a strain - brewer's yeast, salt concentration extracted using RNA, using fixed-phosphate on the RNA were determined. And to study the strain is more appropriate for the middle RNA component of the medium, pH value of fermentation conditions and time.
This experimental approach has the advantage of the general conditions in the laboratory for several common laboratory yeast storage general nucleic acid Breeding high-yielding, and its fermentation conditions optimization simple. In the course of the entire experiment to avoid the use of too much of the complexity of apparatus and chemicals harmful to human body, making the experimental method is simple