
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 20:16:47

Transparent persistence
This capability refers to the persistence of POJOs to durable stores—typically, relational databases—without the objects needing to make significant object-orientation concessions. It bridges the object-relational impedance mismatch with a framework responsible for mapping persistent objects to rows in a relational database management system, generating all the necessary Structured Query Language code to retrieve and store objects. ORM tools use techniques such as reflection, dynamic byte code generation, or byte code enhancement in a postprocessing step to perform this mapping at runtime.
Transparent persistence frees domain objects from the responsibility of managing their persistent representation, enabling them to contain business logic where appropriate, without mixing that with persistence operations. It can also greatly increase productivity by eliminating the need to write verbose and often error-prone persistence co